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2- Italia! - Italy!

Venecia! Hermosa ciudad!, llena de un encanto especial!

Tuvimos suerte que no estaba plagado de gente, encima, nosotros tomamos hacia la izquierda la mayor masa salió hacia la derecha!; con lo cual, nuestro recorrido fue muy tranquilo por la mayoría del dia!

Disfrutamos ver semejante arquitectura y antigüedad!; columnas con mínimos detalles, balcones, ventanillas o véntanales! Mármol, cemento y madera todo en una armonía hermosa!

Nos paramos a mirar “la vida” en los canales!: en una sección estaba la excavadora con los barquitos apropiados limpiando el fondo del canal!; vimos como sacan la basura y se llevan la ropa de cama de los hoteles!, cada uno en su propio estilo de lanchón, barquito o bote! Re lindo!!

Al llegar a la plaza central, la que yo quería ver porque siempre se inunda y me interesaba un poco ver por què!; había un mundo de gente… colas larguísimas para todo lo turístico…; nosotros dimos una vuelta, mirando, observando! Y solo subimos a la torre principal para pegarle un buen vistazo a la ciudad y alrededores desde allà arriba! Espectacular! Belleza total!

Los negocios boutiques muy lindas adornadas, mucho negocio de comida!!, carteras y cositas de vidrio! El arte de hacer vidrio es muy famoso en esta zona!

Encontrando uno de los puentes famosos de la isla y ya casi al fin del dia…, seguimos caminando hacia las afueras siguiendo un mar de gente! Muy contentos de haber elegido Venecia como ciudad turística!!

Venice! A very pretty and interesting city!

We were lucky enough to walk most of the city without people! It was like we chose to go left and when we meet “right” everyone, the mass tourist were there!!

So we walked slow, stopped lots of times ether to look at pretty construction or to the many channels in town!

At one channel they were digging, with an excavator, the bottom of it, interesting to see the boats and ways they do these job like in any other city!!

Then, we saw rubbish/trash collection!; some dirty linen picked up from a hotel!; everything by “boat”!! Ha! Ha!

Really enjoyed looking at Venice’s architecture with many columns, balconies, small window or big ones!; small decorations, art details everywhere!; shops are well and nicely decorated; the art of glass making is quite famous in this area so there are many shops selling glass on all kind of shapes!

Once we reached the main plaza, the one I really wanted to see, curious due to its floods!, it was a sea of people… so we walked around and then chose to go up to the main tower to have a great view of the whole of Venice! Pretty spectacular!

At the end of the day we walked through another area full of shops and accompanied by a few thousand other people!!, we walked out of Venice!

Very pleased and happy that we visited this gorgeous city!!

Hemos descubierto que al italiano le gusta andar en moto!, los fines de semana, los caminos sinuosos estaban plagado de todo tipo de moto! Sin nada a que temer los tipos se meten entre el transito respetando poco la ley del orden o del camino!! Ja! Ja!

As we experienced!…, Italians like their motorcycle! On sunny, gorgeous weekends every single motor vehicle with 2 wheels!, look alike motorcycle!, was on the road!!!, specially on the small, windy roads!!; having fun just like us! They respect little to nothing road laws!, they zigzag around cars!.., come and go as fast as they can! As we come around a corner, at a coffee shop, there were like a hundred motorcycles! So cool!

Los campos muy compactos en la poca tierra que pueden aprovechar entre los cerros; valles largos pero no muy anchos! Los animales todavía son cuidados adentro de galpones de 2 pisos, arriba guardan los fardos abajo viven las pocas vaquitas que poseen. Otra belleza de esplendor!

Farm land is among, between and around cities, slops, valleys and mountains!

Saw quite a lot of big shed with cow's quarters underneath and the feed and rolls in the upper level.

La salida de Cles siguiendo un valle entre cerros bien altos fue una belleza! Cles es zona de manzanas, las laderas cubiertas de manzanares plagados en linea recta, crecidos en forma vertical!

Enseguida el valle se afina y ya de vuelta manejando entre cerros! Una belleza!

The drive from Cles back to Nice, was so amazing! We crossed many valleys, close to Cles a lot of apple orchards; lakes and mountains! Apple trees are planted and grown on a vertical way to make the most of the land!

Costear el Lago Iseo y el cruce de vuelta a Francia encontramos caminos alucinantes! No tener màs tiempo para recorrer màs!

Quicimos recorrer Turin, que nos habían recomendado..., pero ya la entrada a la ciudad con mucho transito, gente, casas... No nos gustò, media vuelta, un hotel en la ruta y al día siguiente!, vuelta a las montañas!

We followed lake Iseo because we took a wrong turn but it was worth it!

Then, wanting to see another biggish city we were told to stop in Turin… wrong choice… starting driving towards the center, to busy, to many people, found the hotel but didn’t like it so we turned around, stayed overnight at a cheaper hotel right to the highway and next morning got up and took off… no big cities for us!

That is when Denis picked the smallest road ever to get back into the mountains!!

La subida desde Vinadio (Italia) hasta Isola 2000 (Francia) nos fascino! Super sinuoso, siguiendo un arroyuelo, das vuelta la cabeza para espiar hacia atràs y allà abajo ves el sigsageo de lo recién transitado!

Cruzamos un por de ciclista que volvimos a ver en la cima!, nos cruzaron un par de autos deportivos y, por supuesto!, no faltò el motociclista! Una experiencia inolvidable!, divino!

From Vinadio to Isola 2000 in France the picked road is very little, windy, at times, single line! We stopped many time to appreciate the views, the surroundings!; trees, creeks, mountains a doquier!!, villages here and there! No many people; a couple of cyclist enjoying the steep hill! At the top, Isola 2000 a huge sky area, what ever way you look there are sky lifts, sky courses, thou no snow! To early in the season!

Hay tanto para ver, contar disfrutar que uno casi escribiría medio libro de unos pocos dias en Italia!

Vuelta en Nice disfrutando la caída del sol y los tantos lindos recuerdos que nos llevamos de apenas unas partesitas recorridas de un país hermoso!

There is so much to tell that one, nearly!, could write half of a books with the experiences lived in less than a week!…

Back in Nice we enjoyed a pretty sunset and treasure these lovely days in Italy in our hearts!

We’ll be back!!!

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